NRHS on Stage at Carnegie Hall

Online ticket purchase is available. Click here

For information about a bus from NRHS to Carnegie Hall and back, click here

Online ticket purchase will be available until June 1, 11:59PM. You can buy tickets on June 2 and 3 at Carnegie Hall.

June 3, 2015, 7:00pm

A Concert Sponsored by the New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence

Performances by New Rochelle High School’s premier musical groups

Master of Ceremonies:
Michael M. Kaiser (NRHS ‘71),
Chairman, DeVos Institute of Arts Management;
former President of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Special Guest Performer:
Derek Bermel (NRHS ‘85)

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, our outstanding student musicians from New Rochelle High School will be performing ON STAGE AT CARNEGIE HALL. This is an event that you do not want to miss—a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Our students, who have been practicing for months, will be welcomed on stage by Master of Ceremonies, Michael Kaiser ’71, the former president of the Kennedy Center.

If you are a parent, grandparent, community member or business owner, please participate in this event by attending and/or purchasing an ad in our commemorative journal. The concert is a wonderful way to introduce young people to the joy of music at one of the world's iconic venues. The journal/memory book is also a perfect way to show your public support of this concert.

The concert is sponsored by the New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence, a nonprofit organization that provides educational enrichment programs throughout the school district. In the spring, information regarding transportation for audience members to the event will be posted on the NR Fund website. “On Stage at Carnegie Hall” promises to be a thrilling night for our community!

Your concert chairpersons,
Tina Dasgupta, Karen Selman and Leah Sills

For information about a bus from NRHS to Carnegie Hall and back, click here